Culture & Heritage
The primary occupation of residents of the district is agriculture. The main staple food is rice. Wet terrace paddy cultivation is limited and the villagers are dependent on jhoom cultivation. The gross cropped area surveyed in 2014-15 is 17871 hectares. The net area sown is 39713 hectares. Land put to non agricultural use is 32150 hectares. Unproductive and uncultivable land is about 43709 hectares. There are three cropping seasons from March to May, June to September, and October to March. Other crops grown in the district are maize, black gram, soyabean, bean, peas, mustard, cabbage, cauliflower, potato and tomato. Cash crops are king chilly (locally known as Umorok), orange, banana and turmeric. The villagers to augment their meagre income forage bamboo shoots and other forest products. Villagers living near the banks of Ijei, Irang and Leimatak rivers occasionally depend on fishing
Flora and Fauna
Various types of trees are found in all over the areas of the district. But the more commonly found varieties include Leihao (Chongbang), Khok (Gaangcbang), Tairen (Thengbang), Wang (Gaengbang) etc. Bamboos and plantain trees are common everywhere. Various types of fruit-bearing plants also thrive in the districts. Important varieties are banana, pineapple, orange, litchi etc.